Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a common issue that can affect all ages.  It usually gets started as a skin infection and is similar to athlete’s foot that specifically affects the nails.  Usually, the fungus starts underneath the fold at the end of the nail, and as time passes, it continues to grow under the nail and causes the nail’s appearance to change.  This discoloration commonly leaves the nail looking brown or yellow and also may cause the toenail to thicken or look deformed.

Diagnosing Toenail Fungus

Your doctor will examine your foot and look at the toenail.  He or she will work to diagnose the cause of your toenail problems and will come up with a treatment plan.  The toenail might be scraped, and the fungus examined under a microscope so the doctor can confirm the diagnosis.

Treating Toenail Fungus

Sometimes toenail fungus can be effectively treated with over-the-counter anti-fungal medications however, recurrence is common.  Your doctor might prescribe an antifungal prescription pill, prescribe a topical cream to place directly on the nail, use a topic nail lacquer, or remove the damaged part of the nail or skin. In some cases, the entire nail might have to be permanently removed.