Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis is a common condition resulting in pain near the heel and along the back of the leg.  It’s caused by repetitive motion that inflames the Achilles tendon over a longer period of time.  The pain is most noticeable after periods of increased activity.  Repetitive motions cause small tears in the tendon, which is unable to repair itself fully, causing painful inflammation.  This condition most commonly occurs as an occupational or sports related injury.  It most frequently affects people who run, hike or participate in other dynamic sports without proper conditioning.  Also, patients of a higher age, patients with flat arches, patients with high blood pressure or psoriasis and patients on antibiotics may be at increased risk.

Diagnosing Achilles Tendonitis

In order to confirm the condition and determine the stage of the injury, your podiatrist will perform a number of tests.  These will include testing the range of motion and looking for swelling or alignment issues.  Your podiatrist may then utilize imaging modalities such as MRI, X-ray or Ultrasound, which can all be performed on site at Northstate Foot and Ankle Specialists.

Treating Achilles Tendonitis

Non-surgical treatment may require physical therapy and the fitting of a biomechanical orthotic and in some cases a medication.  This can be assisted with home care including R.I.C.E and reduced activity to allow healing.  In cases of a ruptured tendon, surgery to repair or reconstruct may be recommended.