Custom Prescription Foot Orthotics

Custom Prescription Foot Orthotics

Depending on the nature of your foot condition, your podiatrist will make a recommendation for a specific type of orthotic.  Different materials, designs and production processes are used for each unique foot problem.  Getting the shape just right makes all the difference in alleviating symptoms

Types of orthotics include:

Functional Orthotics

This type of orthotic is used to restore proper structure and function to the foot.  When alignment and structural issues occur, these inserts can help to correct the biomechanics of the foot by changing forces in areas that need it.  This can progressively improve the condition and alleviate symptoms of foot pain.

Sports Orthotics

When a patient is involved in high impact activities, such as hiking, running, or competitive athletics, orthotics add the extra support to help avoid stress-related injuries.  A common use of sports orthotics is to treat plantar fasciitis, a condition that frequently affects athletes who may be “cutting” or starting and stopping quickly and those who do not warm up adequately.  While these inserts are not necessary all of the time, they will provide support during active use when the foot is under stressful conditions.

Pediatric Orthotics

As children’s feet begin to develop, the arches should begin to take shape and the foot and ankle should begin to properly align themselves.  Some children’s feet require a little extra help in order to form correctly and to avoid future foot problems.  Pediatric orthotics may be used to help adjust the alignment and allow the arches to form correctly when a defect or developmental issues occur.

Ankle Braces/ Ankle Foot Orthosis

In cases where both the foot and ankle are experiencing a problem, or when the biomechanical relationship between the two requires adjustment, an ankle-foot orthosis should be fitted.  This device is customized to support the foot, normally with cases of more severe flatfoot or ankle instability, and ankle arthritis.  This allows realignment and structural improvements to occur simultaneously.

Contact our office today at 530-891-3338 (FEET) for an appointment for orthotic evaluation!